2020 WERA Focal Meeting - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
A ANPEd convida seus associados para o congresso da World Education Research Association (WERA), rede internacional da qual nossa Associação faz parte. As submissões, até 01 de dezembro, deverão ser feitas em inglês, mas as apresentações poderão ser realizadas em espanhol.
The World Education Research Association (WERA) invites submissions for papers, symposia, and posters for the WERA Focal Meeting to be held from 1-3 July 2020 at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Founded in 2009, WERA will be celebrating its 11th anniversary at the Focal Meeting in Spain.
WERA is an association of major national, regional, and specialty education research associations dedicated to sharing scholarship, developing networks, and mutually supporting capacity building. WERA Focal Meetings are embedded in the conference of a WERA Member association. The WERA 2020 Focal Meeting is an integral part of the annual conference of the Sociedad Española de Pedagogía (SEP) and consists of a program of paper, symposia, and poster sessions on topics of worldwide emphases and significance.
In general, the WERA Focal Meeting seeks to feature research that includes more than one country or is comparative, cross-cultural, international, or transnational in conceptualization, scope, or design. Paper and poster submissions need to meet these criteria; symposia submissions can include papers from single sites or countries as long as the presentations combined are from different countries and the aims of the symposium are anchored in worldwide or global issues. Duplicate submission of the same symposium, paper or poster through the SEP and WERA online submission systems is not allowed.
Papers, posters and symposia submissions are encouraged to synthesize knowledge worldwide over the last decade and anticipate future research trends and directions. Scholarly papers and symposia who adhere to this call will be featured at the 2020 meeting.